Mark your calendar for next September for NYC (the faire is held in other cities, check out their website www.makersfaire.com). I loved the diverse group of families, people and activities. There is so much hands on activities for kids - make your own marshmallow pipe launcher, rocket launchers, beginner circuit building -- I can't speak highly enough about this event. As they bill themselves, "The Greatest Show and Tell on Earth". Here is a sample of what caught my eye.
OK, first of all, the food. Some of the best food trucks EVER....My brother, husband, nephews and I all choose different foods for lunch from Philly Cheese Steaks, to Shish Kebab, Fish Tacos, Asian hot dogs and my personal favorite Arepa - which is basically a corn flatbread , two pieces, with melted mozzarella. It is so sweet and yummy...like a grilled cheese donut. Bad for the hips, great for the lips.
Can you say paella?
The faire is just so visually stunning and interactive and I loved this display of bright red and pink plastic tubing over an LED grid which the little ones were just loving. Reminded me of the disco floors a la Saturday Night Fever. OK, I'm dating myself, but same fun!
There is a lot of tongue in check going on - like the big display when we entered of fish and lobster tied on to a old car. As the poster said, "What can be more annoying than an animated singing fish? Try 250 of them bolted to a Volvo and singing Opera." The Sashimi Tabernacle Choir from Houston.
Steam punk for Days!!!
When you can combine some science principles into crafting? Hence, I was drawn to the Loop of the Loom exhibit (www.LoopoftheLoom.com) and their beautiful Bengala Dyes. They offer workshops in NYC....beautiful projects featuring stencil dyes and Itajime-Shibori (a Japanese resist technique)on scarves.
Brilliant design at the LG booth (was thinking of my trade show projects). The wall constructed of cardboard tubes, stuffed with their promo canvas bags. Genius.
There was a fun display of a map of NYC made entirely of electronic bits and pieces.
And who doesn't love a kinetic motion Tick Toc Croc that plays all disco tunes while you pedal around with a steam punk inspired hat?
A vendor to look out for: Blink Blink. A company that creates soft circuit e crafting tool kits and instructional video curriculum. Goal is to empower learning scientific basics while crafting and incorporating circuits into paper crafts or any other DIY project. Love them! Check them out at Blink Blink website
Women Crafter Alert: The Creativity Labs researches and designs ways to improve learning and doing. They have received funding from the National Science Foundation to study the practices of women crafters. Sign up to be a survey volunteer.
Survey Sign up
And of course ever the Rock Chick and music fan, I was drawn to this display of objects reacting to music. It looked like a box of Etch 'n Sketch filings that moved to the music. How cool would this be on the wall of a club or music venue. Just saying.
My swag and future projects:
Sun printing on t-shirts
Shadow printing
A card kit that you can incorporate LEDS into your work. Can't wait to try it.
Sugru - a self setting rubber that amazing capabilities for fixing and protecting gadgets, waterproof repair and make and organize stuff. I can hardly wait to figure out how to incorporate this into a crafty idea.
What a great day with family, NYers and makers. I've already put next year's on my to do list!!!
Thank you Maker Faire NYC!
Here is a video recap from the 2013 event from Maker Faire NYC themselves:
Keep Calm
Make On